The Many Adventures of Lil Bud

My life stories do not reflect the ideas, feelings, nor position of the Peace Corps nor US gov't and should be regarded as separate and private.

Monday, February 05, 2007

And I'm off!!

Tomorrow morning at 7am, which means it should still be hovering at about 2 degrees, I'm blowing this popsicle stand and heading south :) I'll be in Miami for a day and a half and then it's on to Paraguay. Can you believe I missed the Super Bowl by 2 days?!?

Of all the emotions I'm feeling (and believe me, there are too many to count) excitement it surely the most overwhelming. It's been over a year since I began the application process and nearly a year since nomination....and now - it's finally here.

I'll be updating you all as often as I can, but bear with me - there might be lulls and novels ahead ;p And I know I've said it before...but let me tell you again - I am extremely lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life. I experience more love in a day than many people have in a lifetime and I am so grateful. Know that I'll be thinking of you and sending you love and happiness in the months and years to come and looking forward to visiting with those of you who can make it down :)

With love and friendship,


Blogger Unknown said...

bon voyage!

9:03 AM  
Blogger Toney said...

Send some of that warm weather back up to Michigan. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! It's cold - The schools have been closed for the past two days because of the cold.

11:00 PM  
Blogger dmlover said...

I will miss you!!!!!! I know I'm amazing and all, but try to survive without me! :p I will try my hardest to survive without you :(

Good luck! Safe travels! May you find joy in all that you do in Paraguay! I know you will make so many kids happy there! :)

Love you to bits forever and always!


9:39 PM  
Blogger DocA said...

Hey Lor --
Bon voyage and safe travels. Don't know when you'll get a chance to see this, but whenever it is know that I'm thinking about you and looking forward to updates in the next volume of Lorien's Grand Adventures. What a time you have ahead of you.
love you,


2:55 PM  

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