Home sweet other home
Just got back from DC...what a great trip! It was fabulous to see everyone...I feel so incredibly loved and lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life :) I only wish I had more time to spend with you all...time goes so fast and it's tough to get enough quality time in. I do want to say thanks, though, to everyone who came out - my heart is so filled with love because of friends like you. Oh, how I miss you!
A bunch of you have been asking about sending me things in Paraguay...well...here's my address for the next couple years, beginning February 8:
Lorien Anderson, PCT (Trainee for the first 3 mos) or PCV (Volunteer after the 3 mo mark)
Cuerpo de Paz
162 Chaco Boreal c/Mcal. Lopez
Asuncion 1580, Paraguay
South America
If you want it to get to me before I leave PC, mark it and send it Airmail (takes two weeks)...don't send anything expensive and if you can, don't send anything in a box - Customs opens all boxes (but not padded envelopes as much) and they have sticky fingers. And for reference, because it's probably the thing I'll ask for most ...I like natural peanut butter - the kind where the only ingredient is peanuts (and sometimes salt). You'll spend more shipping it than buying it I'm sure...but hey, it makes for an easy birthday present ;)
You've also asked about vacation...my coming home to visit and you coming to see me. I get 24 days of vacation each year, and like any job, I have to have permission to take time off or to have visitors. That being said, I welcome all of you with open arms! I'm likely to take my time off to travel around South America because frankly, I might not have the opportunity again. So, if you've always wanted to check out Iguazu Falls or Machu Pichu - let me know when you can come down and we'll work it out :) For you adventurous types, I'd love for you to come check out my home town (wherever that may be) as well. I figure - give me a good 9 months to get settled in and start saving for anything late September and beyond. Linse and I turn 30 this year, so we figure we'll get together somewhere to celebrate - I'll keep ya posted ;)
I've talked with a few returned volunteers from Paraguay, and I'm feeling more excited than ever! As much as I still have some anxieties, being able to talk with others about their experiences has eased a lot of the angst. And thank you for all your encouraging words - they will continue to help me when I'm feeling frustrated and overwhelmed in the months to come.
The next few weeks I'll be visiting family and friends and getting ready to head out - I'm sure it's going to fly by, but I'll be around with access to email and a phone...most of you know I'm not the best about picking up the phone, especially when I'm busy, but you know where to find me and I'd be happy to hear from you :)
With lots of love!
how exciting lorien! i'm glad you had fun in DC! paraguay should be an amazing time... i look forward to visiting sometime (sniffle sniffle) next year? but on the brightside, maybe it'll be around this time next year and it will be summertime! :-) hope to talk again b4 you head south. take care.
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