The Many Adventures of Lil Bud

My life stories do not reflect the ideas, feelings, nor position of the Peace Corps nor US gov't and should be regarded as separate and private.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Peace Corps Update....really....

I am still in shock....I got my medical clearance!!

Now it is apparently a problem that I am a vegan who is willing to adjust her diet (reluctantly) to include fish, eggs, and poultry if necessary, but am not willing to eat a red meat diet. I explained in approximately 15 different ways that red meat makes me ill and as much as I do not wish to add animals back into my diet, I would be willing to do so in small quantities. Apparently PC is now worried that I might be serving somewhere that red meat is the primary source of nutrition?? In what bizarre world is meat less expensive than beans?? Good grief!! I have decided that they will only be happy when I agree to hand over my soul and my first born. All I can do now is hope for the best, keep following up, and trust that whatever is best will be.

For now, I am enjoying Morocco! Have a few more days here, a few days in Spain, two days in Dublin, a few in Jersey, and then I am home sweet home :) Good bye sandals, hello snow. Yeah snow!! Snow angels, snow men, snow ball fights....ah, good ole MI in December.

Looking forward to seeing many of your smiling faces soon!
xo, Lor


Blogger JoshJones said...

Hey there! Wow, I would have thought PC would be a bit more accommodating re: vegan diets... but I guess that some places have limited resources... at least they're not throwing you out somewhere and THEN you find out that red meat is all that is available. Anyway, thinking of ya! When will you be back stateside?? I'm taking a few weeks off at the end of DEC... I'm assuming you'll be in MI when you return? I'll be driving back to DC from Madison with the dog. If it works out, it would be awesome to swing by your neck of the woods on my journey at some point!

1:35 AM  

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