The Many Adventures of Lil Bud

My life stories do not reflect the ideas, feelings, nor position of the Peace Corps nor US gov't and should be regarded as separate and private.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Time flies when you´re having fun...

Its been too long...I know. Where to start???

Way back in May I went to Ecuador with my bro and cuz...great times!!!! Absolutely beautiful country and fabulous bonding time :) Highlights: hot springs in Papallacta, butterflies, waterfalls and tucans in Mindo, the Equator line in Mitad del Mundo (even if it IS a tourist trap) and the gorgeous orchid gardens in Quito. I´d go back, but next time I´m hittin the beaches too!!

Back in PY I continue to lead a telenovela style life...full of drama, a few crazies, lots of movement and great friendships. I absolutely LOVE teaching it turns out. Not only are my alumnos fabulous, but it´s just fun and so rewarding. Perhaps ¨Teach for America¨ is in my future, if they´ll have me that is.

Lately I´ve been hanging out more and letting myself have a bit more fun. You certainly don´t have to be 18 to enjoy dancing till dawn (although I admit most of my time is spent with jovenes between 16-22). What can I say? Most people my age are married with kids already...makes me ever thankful that I´m still single footloose and fancy free :)

Speaking of being free...apparently I´ve been gone long enough now for people to begin to get impatient for me to come home. Hasn´t it been two years yet is a pretty common question these days. Well...I have some good news and some bad news. Good news: I have a fabulous opportunity to travel South America with a really good friend after my service ends (May). Bad news: I won´t be home quite as soon as I originally thought... I am now planning on being home in time for the winter holidays 2009, so roughly a year and a half from now. For those of you who are sighing and crying nooooooo right now, I promise I´ll stay in the states for at least a few months when I come back ;) hehehe last thing - the wedding is off. It´s a long story and all that really matters is that it´s for the best. The great news is that I´m immensely happy and enjoying my life! And that´s what it´s really all about isn´t it?

I promise I´ll do better about updating you all more often...I´ve been very negligent I know. Just know that I´m thinking of you all and sending lots of love!

L :)