The Many Adventures of Lil Bud

My life stories do not reflect the ideas, feelings, nor position of the Peace Corps nor US gov't and should be regarded as separate and private.

Monday, June 25, 2007

It was the best of times....

The newest edition to the family, Kaj (pronounced like Kai) Thomas Ruedel, was born June 24 (dia de San Juan) at 5:19am in Washington DC, 8lbs - 21 inches. Everyone is healthy and happy and Liana is a proud big sister! As happy as the news made me yesterday...can't lie, for the first time since I've been here, I lost it. Cried like a baby... All I want to do is hold my nephew, high five my bro-in-law and hug my sister...and I couldn't even call to share in the excitement. My friends here sent congratulations, but for the first time I wanted more than anything to be home. Doing better today...just anxiously awaiting photos!

It was an eventful weekend, that's sure! It's San Juan here...and que fiestas!! On Friday I helped my youth prepare typical Paraguayan comida to sell in the Plaza. We sold food, danced, climbed trees (yes, I still climb trees) and had an all around good time. On Saturday I headed into Asuncion to meet the most wonderful family! They're relatives of someone I know in the states...and they're fabulous! Have a feeling I'll be spending a good amount of time with them in the coming years. Then it was back to Fernando de la Mora for a youth group meeting and then a festival that night. The San Juan festival was so fun! Pelotas tata (flaming balls made of clothes, wire and karosene) were flying of my kids got hit in the head (poor guy), but felt better after I got him some ice. I only kicked one ball, but spent a good amount of time dodging the others. Peligroso (dangerous) for sure. There were casino type games, typical PYan food, beer, and lots of dancing. I spent the night dancing with my alumnos y jovenes...who were more than welcoming and excited to be jammin with their profe (professer). Good times! I am truly in love with my kids - they're fabulous!

July is going to be a really busy month, and I'm certainly not complaining - it's all good work with fabulous peeps! Will test for my yellow belt soon :) Still enjoying TKD, although now and then my muscles aren't so happy... On Saturday I'll be partying it up at the Embassy for 4th of July. Doubt we'll have fireworks, but it's something. Enjoy the festivities there, and if you can, send a pic of the fireworks - you know how I love fire ;p And keep those letters coming! They truly make my day :)

Until next well, be happy, and love each other!
Love to all of you, Lor

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Medio Ambiente

Environmental Education...a number of my kids in the colegio (high school) voted to start with the theme of medio ambiente for our charlas. This is huge! It shows that there is a real concern and provides an open door to educate. I'm soooo excited!!! AND we're going to highlight medio ambiente at the camp we're having for the little kids in the neighborhood in July. So if any of you have fun ideas for projects/crafts out of junk or recycling insights, send 'em along!

Things continue to go well and I'm still happy (and MUCH healthier now). I won't lie and say everyday is a cake walk or that I have ganas (motivation) to do it all every morning...speaking two non-native languages all day is exhausting and there are days I'd rather just stay in bed (like when it's really cold). Thank goodness I can talk with other volunteers (in English) who understand my situation and that I have wonderful youth who make me want to keep working. And let me not forget the support and love I have from all of you as well! It matters. A lot. So thank you!

My youth group meets every Saturday at 3pm and we've elected officers and selected a name - Jovenes por el Futuro. I'm baking for them every week, which they love! Have a great recipe for carrot cake if anyone wants it ;) Trying to provide yummy, but healthier, snacks. So far - success. I'll take any recipes anyone has to give too! Something that requires pretty basic ingredients would be best...and if I don't have to bake it in an oven (uses lots of gas), even better!

Taekwondo is going well. Watched exams on Friday for belts...can't lie, I'm a little intimidated. But mine isn't until July, so I have time to practice :) The youth who I have class with, and helps me all the time...he did fabulous! The "Senor" said he was an example of discipline and TKD. Impressive. Thank goodness I have HIM helping me!

My MSR camping water filter is working great (thanks Lins!) and I have been enjoying clean water that's not brown (iodine tablets...yuck!) My polyngana (shallow, round bucket) is proving to be invaluable! I use it to filter water, to wash my laundry, sometimes for dishes, to carry things....whatever the need might be. That's something I LOVE about PC...learning to use one thing for a hundred different causes. Good stuff!

I have 4 packages waiting for me...YAY!!! Too bad I can't get them today because the office is closed. Soon, though, and I'm really happy that they aren't stuck at the port. The anticipation... I'm ready for my Chana Masala mix!!

Hope all is well there and spring is treating you well. Summer solstice is the 21st :) Winter solstice here.... Happy Birthday to my Uncle Glen (today)! Happy Father's Day to all those dads out there, and a special shout out to mine! Pops, enjoy the day on the water...Dad, hope that grandbaby is born soon! Our newest edition to the family should be here any day now....hang in there Kris ;)

Sending love to all!
xoxo, Lor

Friday, June 01, 2007

Updates and Photos!

Good news! I'm relatively healthy :) Looks like I've got those pesky little parasites under control for the time being. It's REALLY cold here now...especially at night, so my nose is running all the time, but it's certainly nothing I can't handle. (I drink lots of tea) ;) My room stays colder than outside pretty much all the time...something I'm going to appreciate in the summer.

I'm giving "charlas" (interactive presentations) in the high school 3 nights a week now over topics like self-esteem, environment, communication, healthy relationships, leadership.... It's going really well and I'm quickly developing relationships with both students and teachers. Have a youth group meeting on Sunday to chat with some of them about puting on a camp during their winter break from school and to find out what it is they want to do (English classes, computer classes, community service - just a few of their ideas already) as a group. I'm working with some pretty cool kids, I'll tell you that! Also been meeting with other organizations in the area to find out about other resources and collaboration possibilities...not to mention just to meet more people and develop relationships.

Taekwondo is going well. I'm generally in class with only one other youth, who is a red belt, and he helps me work on form and formulas. He's developing more confidence and leadership skills through these interactions...whether he's aware of it or not yet ;) Diggin it!

All in all, things are good. Attached some pics below....more soon!

My new room

My finger got smashed a while was UGLY! Almost normal now :)

Typical PY Dancin in Guarambare (for our families at our going away celebration)

Sunset over Asuncion

Typical Quincenera (15th b'day party) and my family from Guarambare

Love and miss you all!!!