Time flies when you´re having fun...
Its been too long...I know. Where to start???
Way back in May I went to Ecuador with my bro and cuz...great times!!!! Absolutely beautiful country and fabulous bonding time :) Highlights: hot springs in Papallacta, butterflies, waterfalls and tucans in Mindo, the Equator line in Mitad del Mundo (even if it IS a tourist trap) and the gorgeous orchid gardens in Quito. I´d go back, but next time I´m hittin the beaches too!!
Back in PY I continue to lead a telenovela style life...full of drama, a few crazies, lots of movement and great friendships. I absolutely LOVE teaching it turns out. Not only are my alumnos fabulous, but it´s just fun and so rewarding. Perhaps ¨Teach for America¨ is in my future, if they´ll have me that is.
Lately I´ve been hanging out more and letting myself have a bit more fun. You certainly don´t have to be 18 to enjoy dancing till dawn (although I admit most of my time is spent with jovenes between 16-22). What can I say? Most people my age are married with kids already...makes me ever thankful that I´m still single footloose and fancy free :)
Speaking of being free...apparently I´ve been gone long enough now for people to begin to get impatient for me to come home. Hasn´t it been two years yet is a pretty common question these days. Well...I have some good news and some bad news. Good news: I have a fabulous opportunity to travel South America with a really good friend after my service ends (May). Bad news: I won´t be home quite as soon as I originally thought... I am now planning on being home in time for the winter holidays 2009, so roughly a year and a half from now. For those of you who are sighing and crying nooooooo right now, I promise I´ll stay in the states for at least a few months when I come back ;) hehehe
Oh....yeah....one last thing - the wedding is off. It´s a long story and all that really matters is that it´s for the best. The great news is that I´m immensely happy and enjoying my life! And that´s what it´s really all about isn´t it?
I promise I´ll do better about updating you all more often...I´ve been very negligent I know. Just know that I´m thinking of you all and sending lots of love!
L :)
Hey Sweety,
Just got back from a Buddhist Retreat in Ithaca, NY after attending a teaching by the Dalai Lama in July. Back in the real world...my telenovelo also continues - email to follow :)Just wanted to let you know that you are definetly loved and missed but good things do come to those who wait :)
Peace, Love & Big Hugs,
Hey Lor,
Good to get another update via blog. You sound busy, happy and fully engaged, as always. I definitely have mixed feelings about your being gone longer, since I'm anxious to see you again but fully understand a desire to see SA while you're "in the neighborhood". Glad you continue to enjoy teaching -- from what I saw when there, you're very good at it, and you have eager students to work with.
love you,
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