The Many Adventures of Lil Bud

My life stories do not reflect the ideas, feelings, nor position of the Peace Corps nor US gov't and should be regarded as separate and private.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Recipe and English....

So I can't get the card reader to work, so that means I only have the pic that Lauren sent me in an email to share this time...

Lauren and I all dolled up to go to Miss Paraguay

And now; you've got to have this fabulous recipe for flour tortillas :)

2 cups flour, 3/4 cup warm water, 1/4 cup oil, 1tsp salt, 3tsp baking powder
Mix dry ingredients. Cut in oil until crumbly. Add water and let sit in warm place for 1hr. Make golf ball size portions and let sit 15 minutes more. Roll out onto floured surface and cook in frying pan on oil needed. Enjoy hot :)

And now for the update part....

English, english y un poco mas ingles.... I'm teaching little kids english in the villa on Tuesdays, 10th grade english class on Wednesdays and youth in the Muni (like city hall) on Thursdays. It's been fun and I'm developing a bunch of new relationships as a result. My youth have ganas (motivation) to learn and as I like to incorporate interactive learning and role play into the lessons (songs and games for the little ones), we have fun too :)

I'm still giving charlas on healthy relationships, job skills, self esteem, safe sex, etc. on Wednesday nights and Friday mornings. Wed night I'm with 12th grade so we're focusing on life and job skills. Fri morning is 10th grade (same students as Wed morning) and we've been talking about healthy relationships. I'm absolutely in love with my students!!! So much energy, enthusiasm and curiosity. They keep me motivated and on my toes :)

Recently had three new volunteers (still trainees) come visit me for a week. Spent lots of time talking bout how things are here and answering questions. They got to give a couple charlas and participate in my classes and meet lots of the people who are important to me - good times!

Semana Santa (the week inbetween palm sunday and easter) meant lots of chipa (cheesy bagely type bread), no class, and spending time with friends and family. Went out to Guarambare to visit my old host family. How I miss them!

Was voted in as NVAC (National Volunteer Advisory Committee) Secretary...woo hoo ;) Means more responsibility and the chance to advocate for volunteers.

Soccer tournaments are going well. My girls are undefeated :) I'm a little proud...ESTANZUELA!!!...just a little. Saturday 18 kids of mine and I loaded into an old VW bus to play against kids from another barrio. I can't even explain how much fun it was! I think I had more fun on the ride to and from than AT the actual game, but igual, divertimos mucho y eso no mas vale :) Oh, and we WON =)

Got all dolled up to go to Miss Paraguay drag show...looked better than most, but certainly not all, of the drag queens. hehehe. Jose did my and my friend, Lauren's, make-up. It was intense. It was interesting because PY is such a machista, traditional society and transvestites are so outside that realm. There certainly exists a whole underground society here...and I've been lucky enough to be involved in both worlds.

Still spending enough time with Hector, the 7 year old who lives across the street, that I might as well be his mom. He does call me "tia" (aunt). I'm committed to helping him pass first grade and understand unconditional love. I love him like I imagine a parent loves their child, and can't imagine leaving let's not think about that.

The Presidential Elections are on Sunday. We've been ordered to stay in our barrios because it's likely to get rowdy and dangerous. Vamo a ver.... It's tough because the Colorados (republicans) have been in power forever and it looks like a Liberal (Democrat) might just win. But thanks to rampant corruption, the Colorados won't go down easily or quietly. If I could vote, I could sell my vote to the Colorados for 150mil. To put that in perspective, that could pay most people's rent for the month. Certainly hard to pass up that kind of easy cash if you're struggling to put food on the table. They have no shame.

OK, so that's probably enough for today... My eyes are hurting from looking at the computer screen...can't believe I used to stare at one all day!! I'm going to try to get back online to update again sooner rather than later. Thanks for being patient :) And let me know if you have any specific questions...
Much love,