The Many Adventures of Lil Bud

My life stories do not reflect the ideas, feelings, nor position of the Peace Corps nor US gov't and should be regarded as separate and private.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Birthday Pics

Yay for doble-quinces :)

Me, Lisa and her novio, Dani

Jill, Em and Dave

Me and Sarah

Me and my fabulous make-up artist and best friend, Jose

Good times :)
xoxo, Lor

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Bound to happen at some point...

So it finally happened...I got robbed. 4 months of not being able to lock my home - nothing (I just moved, btw)...months of walking alone at night - nothing (knock on wood)...but months of riding the bus finally caught up with me. The good news is that I wasn't hurt. Someone slashed clear through my canvass type bag with a knife - I'm certainly lucky I didn't get cut! I'm also lucky all he got was my phone. Easy enough to replace, just a pain because I just lost a bunch of phone numbers and even some texts I'd been saving because they make me smile; like Sangeeta's "life is no good without you" text.

The buses here are PACKED during rush hour - like the DC metro, and it's becoming more and more dangerous in the city. As much as possible, I avoid buses during the really busy times and now have a renewed sense of vigilence. So no worries...just don't think I was ignoring you if you sent me a text or called yesterday or today ;) Oh, and dad, bring your money belt with you to tuck under your clothes when you come visit! An essential item here.

Otherwise, life is good! Had a great 30th birthday weekend and will post pics soon when the card reader decides to work ;) Thank you for all the birthday wishes, cards, packages (thanks to Randi I even had candles and party favors!) and love!! It's great knowing I'm loved all over the world ;) heeheehee

Hope you're all enjoying the beautiful colors of fall. I'm sure enjoying the gorgeous flowers of spring here! The Tajy trees are in full bloom and they're gorgeous!!! Check out a few pics at

Peace and much love!