The Many Adventures of Lil Bud

My life stories do not reflect the ideas, feelings, nor position of the Peace Corps nor US gov't and should be regarded as separate and private.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I iron my underwear...

for two very good reasons...bugs (the reason we iron everything) and when it's c-c-c-c-cold, they're nice and toasty ;) We're in the midst of a cold snap if you can believe it. I know it's cold because I can see my breath in my room and my nose feels like ice when I wake up. I'm not kidding,'s COLD! I can't tell you how glad I am to have a rigged up electric water heater that emits water that feels like it's burning the flesh from my bones (I can turn it on or off) on days like today. Even after Taekwondo this morning...still an icepop. At least the sun came out today so I could do my laundry. I moved my bucket around to ensure it was in the best sun in order to warm the water and so I could wash it without shivering too much.

Ended my treatment for Giardia (thank goodness) and I'm hoping I can go without having it as bad again....fairly unavoidable here since all the water is tainted, but I can limit how much I'm exposed to by boiling it at home and keep it under control at least.

Things are going well in the hood. I'm off to the night high school to present a plan/curriculum to the teachers tonight. Met with the Secretary of Youth yesterday and have been making my way around to various organizations and homes. Was presented at the Tercera Era (older folks) meeting and they seemed to love me...bodes well ;) I have my official presentation to the community on Friday. Not a clue what that's going to look like, but my contact assures me it's under control.

Hope all is well at home and you all enjoy a beautiful Mother's Day weekend!!! All you moms out there...take a break, relax, and hug your kids! They love you. Quick shout out to my momma - love you Momma Bud and I wish I was there to give you a 100 hugs!!

Be well and take care of each other. We're all we've got.


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