The Many Adventures of Lil Bud

My life stories do not reflect the ideas, feelings, nor position of the Peace Corps nor US gov't and should be regarded as separate and private.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Woooohoooo!!! Going on vacation :) Omarcha!!!

I leave Saturday for a week in Buenos Aires...soooo excited!!! Although that's probably pretty obvious. I'll be meeting my buddy Kevin there; where we'll relax in a beautiful apartment in Palermo, eat good food, take in the sights, walk a ton, rest in the gardens and plazas, and dance the night away. Sounds like heaven, no? I'll let you know if I come back ;)

On Tuesday I went out to a friend's site near Acahay (which means here it is) to make masks with the kids for Halloween. They LOVED it! I made a goop out of flour, water and food coloring that was deliciously messy and oh so fun :) He told the "history" of Halloween and I think had a few of them know, it can be a little nerve racking. Had our first trick or treaters at 6:45 am...they wanted to make sure Bri didn't run out of candy I think. He lives in the campo (country) and it's beautiful! As much as I love my site, I still love getting out to where there is no light pollution and people go to bed at 9pm. In contrast, I came home Wednesday because it was Alfredo's 5th birthday and I WAS NOT going to miss it! The party started about 9:30pm and some of his best friends were still out playing when I left at 11pm!

My dad came to visit last weekend...good times! Everyone was sooo excited to meet him and truly amazed at how much we look alike. At least now they believe I really do come from somewhere and I really do have family. It was also nice to be able to share my Paraguayan home and life with someone from my other home. Good thing he left when he did though, when it was a balmy 37 celsius and we at least had a fan to cool off was 43 with blazing sun yesterday and Monday, when it hit 45, our power went out. No breeze...nothing but humid disgustingness. So what to do? Sit in the shade and drink terere por supuesto.

Gotta run for to be done and terere to drink before I leave! Hope you all had a great Halloween and that life is treating you well.
Sending you lots of love,


Blogger DocA said...

Finally back on track with the blog, and catching up. Sounds like I did indeed get out of town just in time for the heat wave, though can you really call it a wave if it lasts for months? It was truly wonderful getting to meet so many of your friends / coworkers / adopted families while I was there. I feel ever so much more knowledgeable and comfortable about where you are and what you're up to now. Till next time,
love, Dad

3:24 PM  

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